The currency which amounts are converted from. One unit of this currency multiplied by the rate returned by this operation is equal to one unit of the toCurrency. This currency is expressed as a three digit number as specified in ISO 4217, e.g. South African Rand is encoded as 710.
The currency which amounts are converted to. One unit of this currency multiplied by the rate returned by this operation is equal to one unit of the fromCurrency. This currency is expressed as a three digit number as specified in ISO 4217, e.g. South African Rand is encoded as 710.
The ID of the receiver who would process such a currency exchange. If this is supplied then a specific institution's exchange rate may be returned. If this parameter is not supplied then the exchange rate may simply be the market exchange rate.
The ID of the settlement entity who would process such a currency exchange. If this is supplied then a specific settlement entity's exchange rate may be returned for a specific receiver.