Airtime Service Interface Release Notes

v5.26.0 - 06 June 2022

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.25.0 - 14 March 2022

  • Added an optional senderMsisdn path parameter to the lookupMSISDN call. The senderMsisdn is the msisdn from which the request originated.

v5.24.0 - 28 April 2021

  • Increase length restriction on field from 40 characters to 120.

v5.23.0 - 22 February 2021

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.22.0 - 11 February 2021

  • Fixed JsonProperty for ChannelProductListing.channelProductIdentifier .
  • Remove length restriction on ChannelProductListing.channelProductIdentifier .
  • Added new DescriptionAttribute which is used in the Product to allow for descriptions for the product.

v5.21.0 (Deprecated) - 08 December 2020

  • Deprecated, replaced with v5.22.0. This used the incorrect JsonProperty for the ChannelProductListing.channelProductIdentifier .
  • Added support to filter by a productCategory in the MsisdnLookup operation.
  • Clarified expected values for productType field in the MsisdnLookup operation.

v5.20.0 - 18 November 2020

  • Added a new ErrorType called SYSTEM_MALFUNCTION .
  • Added a new ErrorType called LIMIT_EXCEEDED .

v5.19.0 - 16 October 2020

  • Added a new ProductType called VOICE_BUNDLE .
  • Added a new ErrorType called OUTCOME_UNKNOWN .

v5.18.0 - 02 October 2020

  • Added support for LIST_PRODUCTS_REQUEST as a request type in ErrorDetail .

v5.17.0 - 03 September 2020

  • A new products resource has been added with a single GET operation. This new operation retrieves a list of products that are available for sale by client's channels. Unless a product catalogue is maintained, this operation will return a 501 HTTP status code.

v5.16.0 - 02 September 2020

  • Added a new operation, trialPurchase , which mimics a conventional purchase operation with the following exceptions:
    • No voucher is returned and no product is applied to MSISDN.
    • Has no financial impact.

v5.15.0 - 26 August 2020

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.14.0 - 07 August 2020

  • Added new fields to the Product class:
    • validityPeriod : The length of time for which a product is valid. Any unused portion of a product (e.g. unused data) will be forfeit at the end of the validity period).
    • productContents : A list defining the contents of the airtime product.
  • Added new models:
    • ProductContent which describes the content of the airtime product.
    • ValidityPeriod which describes the period before an airtime product expires.

v5.13.3 - 12 May 2020

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.13.2 - 28 November 2019

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.13.1 (Deprecated) - 27 November 2019

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.13.0 (Deprecated) - 25 November 2019

  • Added new ProductType enumerations in the Product model.
  • Added new boolean field isDirectTopUp to Product .
  • A new optional field, productType was added to the lookupMsisdn operation.

v5.12.0 - 13 March 2019

  • Added new models:
    • Pin a base PIN model
    • PinClear for PINs in the clear
    • PinEncrypted for encrypted PIN blocks with the PIN block format, accountNumber and the key index
    • Pin was added to CardPayment , taking precedence over the existing encryptedPin field

v5.11.0 - 25 February 2019

  • The field now allows all characters with only a length limitation. The maximum length limitation has been increased to 40.

v5.10.0 - 14 February 2019

  • Added new ErrorTypes:

v5.9.0 - 12 October 2018

  • Update base service interface version to v3.15.0.
    • Added PaymentMethod subtype CardPayment
    • Added PaymentMethod subtype An32TokenPayment
    • Added dateOfBirth and status field to Customer model
    • Added utility for HTTP authentication
    • Added JAVA 8 Times
    • Added VasMessage interface such that Transaction and BasicAdvice implement.
    • Added utility for serialising and deserialing JSON objects
    • Added EncryptedPin class

v5.8.1 - 3 August 2018

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.8.0 - 27 June 2018

  • Added the following fields to the Product definition:
    • wholesalePrice
    • recipientAmount

v5.7.2 - 08 June 2018

  • Added Amounts to PurchaseRequest and PurchaseResponse .
  • Added the following RequestTypes to ErrorDetail :
  • Added the following to ErrorDetail :
    • providerErrorMsg
    • providerErrorCode
    • providerRef

v5.7.1 - 24 May 2018

  • Corrected response object in lookupMsisdn operation from PurchaseResponse to MsisdnInfoResponse .

v5.7.0 - 21 May 2018

  • Added Purchase and MSISDN resources to better describe airtime transactions:
    • MSISDN naturally describes attributes of an MSISDN
    • Purchases support PIN on receipt based airtime vouchers (as per the Vouchers resource)
    • Note: path parameters have been dropped from Purchase resources.
    • Purchases also support PIN-less airtime purchases based on recipient MSISDN.
    • Purchases also support status purchase status checks as an alternative to the typical reversal mechanism.
  • Product values can be defined in multiple currencies to facilitate international sales.
    • Note that the purchase itself only takes place in a single currency.
  • Voucher resources have been deprecated in favour of Purchase resources.

v5.6.0 - 9 March 2018

  • Added the following new ErrorTypes:

v5.5.1 - 1 March 2018

  • Changed PaymentMethodType.TOKEN to PaymentMethodType.AN_32_TOKEN
  • Added amount field to PaymentMethod

v5.5.0 - 21 February 2018

  • Added PaymentMethod model with subtypes An32TokenPayment and LoyaltyCardPayment
  • Added field paymentMethods to VoucherRequest

v5.4.0 - 8 November 2017

  • Added optional barcode field to SlipLine which represents a barcode on a till slip.

v5.3.1 - 9 October 2017

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.3.0 - 9 August 2017

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.2.0 - 24 July 2017

  • Added INVALID_MERCHANT and OUT_OF_STOCK error types.

v5.1.0 - 5 April 2017

  • Removed restriction on allowed characters from the terminalId property which means it now only has a max and min length restriction of 8.
  • Added an issuerReference property which adds a unique identifier to the customers slip.
  • Added a basketRef property which is used to group multiple transactions which would otherwise be considered independent.

v5.0.3 - 15 November 2016

  • Prior releases of the Airtime Service Interface (v5.0.0 and upwards) contained the incorrect version ('v4') in the resources URLs. This has been corrected to 'v5'.

v5.0.2 (Deprecated) - 03 November 2016

  • Added optional tender list to VoucherRequest .
  • GIFT_CARD and LOYALTY_CARD tender types added.

v5.0.1 (Deprecated) - 28 October 2016

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v5.0.0 (Deprecated) - 21 October 2016

  • ErrorDetail model changes:
    • Added id field.
    • Added optional originalId field.
    • Added RequestType enum field.

v4.0.1 - 19 October 2016

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v4.0.0 - 21 September 2016

  • Added amounts field ( Amounts model) to VoucherRequest and VoucherResponse models.
  • Product model changes:
    • Removed amount field.
    • Added type field.
    • Added name field.
  • Removed request field from VoucherReversal model thereby making VoucherReversal just a conventional BasicReversal .
  • Dropped void endpoint.
  • Dropped VoucherVoid model.

v3.0.0 - 25 August 2016

  • Added tenders to VoucherConfirmations .
  • Added reversalReason to VoucherReversals .

v2.0.3 - 25 August 2016

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v2.0.1 - 23 August 2016

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v2.0.0 - 22 August 2016

  • Non-functional refactoring.

v1.2.0 - 15 August 2016

  • Updated models to better specify required fields.

v1.1.0 - 8 August 2016

  • Updated resource paths.
  • Added Merchant , Processor and Vendor fields to messages.
  • Added DetailMessage model.

v1.0.0 - 29 July 2016

  • Initial release.
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