Outbound AVS-R

The diagram below shows the message flow between you and Electrum when you initiate an AVS-R transaction to verify account details at a different bank. Note that the steps below describe a synchronous message exchange between your system and Electrum. However, these exchanges are also possible through asynchronous API calls that are available in the API.

avs-r outbound

  1. You send Electrum an outboundSynchronousAccountVerification message (AccountVerificationRequest schema) to verify a customer account held at a different bank.
AccountVerificationRequest Schema
object (MessageIdentifiers)

Holds a point-to-point unique message identification string as well as a message's creation date time.

object (SupplementaryData)

A list of key-value pairs to support adding any supplementary/additional data to an Electrum Regulated Payments API message.

object (TransactionIdentifiers)

Holds a series of identifiers to identify the transaction or an individual message that is part of a transaction.

object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (InstitutionIdentification)
Value: "AccountVerificationRequest"
object (Verification)
  1. Electrum passes the message to BankservAfrica and receives a response.
  1. Electrum sends you an outboundSynchronousAccountVerification response message (AccountVerificationResponse schema) containing the results of the account verification.
AccountVerificationResponse Schema
object (MessageIdentifiers)

Holds a point-to-point unique message identification string as well as a message's creation date time.

object (SupplementaryData)

A list of key-value pairs to support adding any supplementary/additional data to an Electrum Regulated Payments API message.

object (TransactionIdentifiers)

Holds a series of identifiers to identify the transaction or an individual message that is part of a transaction.

object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (InstitutionIdentification)
object (Assignment)
object (MessageIdentifiers)

Holds a point-to-point unique message identification string as well as a message's creation date time.

object (Verification)
object (VerificationReport)
Value: "AccountVerificationResponse"
object (Status)

Error Handling

The sections below describe what you can expect to see in cases of errors or timeouts at the various entities.

Since AVS-R transactions are non-financial in nature, there is no additional message processing required to undo any potential impact of the original AVS-R transaction.

Error at BankservAfrica

If a functional error is encountered at BankservAfrica (for example, if the destination bank’s system is unavailable and BankservAfrica is unable to deliver the message to them) then Electrum will send a negative AccountVerificationResponse message to you, detailing the reason for the failure.

Timeout at Electrum

If Electrum times out while waiting for a response from BankservAfrica, then Electrum will return a negative AccountVerificationResponse message to you, detailing the timeout error.

No Response from Electrum

If you do not receive an AccountVerificationResponse from Electrum or an error occurs at your system, then the transaction should be considered failed. You may re-attempt the transaction in this case.
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