Perform an inbound direct debit

This operation is asynchronous. It is responded to by the inboundDirectDebitResponse operation.

The inbound direct debit operation is called when a direct debit against one of your accounts is received. This must be followed by a call to the inboundDirectDebitResponse to indicate whether the debit payment was actioned or not. Note that the payment is expected to have immediate financial impact if approved; there is no completion leg.

This operation must be idempotent, i.e. no action should be taken if the operation is received more than once with an identical request body. This allows Electrum to retry the request if the initial request fails. An identical HTTP response is expected to be returned for each retry.

Scheme Applicable
header Parameters
string (traceparent) ^[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]...

A value used to trace an HTTP message within an Electrum Regulated Payments implementation. This field must be set as per the traceparent element defined in the (W3C Trace Context Level 2 specification (V2))[].

string (tracestate) ^[A-Za-z0-9=, _\*/@]{0,1024}$

A value used to provide context to an HTTP message as it is traced within an Electrum Regulated Payments implementation. This field must be set as per the traceparent element defined in the (W3C Trace Context Level 2 specification (V2))[].

Request Body schema: application/json
object (MessageIdentifiers)

Holds a point-to-point unique message identification string as well as a message's creation date time.

object (SupplementaryData)

A list of key-value pairs to support adding any supplementary/additional data to an Electrum Regulated Payments API message.

object (TransactionIdentifiers)

Holds a series of identifiers to identify the transaction or an individual message that is part of a transaction.

object (TransactionAmounts)
object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (PaymentAccount)

Representation of an account for payment purposes. Note that at least one of identification or proxy is expected to be present.

object (InstitutionIdentification)
object (Party)

This model is the basic representation of a Party. It is expanded on depending on whether the party is a person or an organisation.

object (PaymentAccount)

Representation of an account for payment purposes. Note that at least one of identification or proxy is expected to be present.

object (InstitutionIdentification)
object (InstitutionIdentification)
object (InstitutionIdentification)
Array of objects (InstitutionIdentification) <= 3 characters

Agents between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent. If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.

object (MandateInformation)

Provides details of the direct debit mandate signed between the creditor and the debtor.

NOTE: This model is a work in progress and may change. In particular, it lacks properties relating to mandate amendments which we may need in the future. Note also that this model is not relevant to the ZA_EFT scheme, and therefore Electrum will not do any special processing for these fields for EFT (e.g. Electrum cannot honour tracking days for EFT payments).

object (DirectDebitPaymentScheme)

Designates which scheme a direct debit is associated with and describes scheme-specific information for the direct debit.

object (PaymentTypeInformation)
object (PurposeType)

Specifies the underlying reason for the payment transaction

object (RemittanceInformation)
string <date>

Date and time at which the creditor requests that the amount of money is to be collected from the debtor.

Value: "DirectDebit"
string (SequenceTypeCode)

Identifies the direct debit sequence:

  • FRST : First collection of a series of direct debit instructions.
  • RCUR : Direct debit instruction where the debtor's authorisation is used for regular direct debit transactions initiated by the creditor.
  • FNAL : Final collection of a series of direct debit instructions.
  • OOFF : Direct debit instruction where the debtor's authorisation is used to initiate one single direct debit transaction.
  • RPRE : Collection used to represent previously reversed or returned direct debit transactions.
string <date>

Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.


Accepted. RFC9110 - 202


Bad request. RFC9110 - 400


Unauthorized. RFC9110 - 401


Forbidden. RFC9110 - 403


Method not allowed. RFC9110 - 405


Unprocessable content. RFC9110 - 422


Too Many Requests. RFC6585 - 429


Internal server error. RFC9110 - 500


Service unavailable. RFC9110 - 503

Request samples
  • "paymentScheme": {
  • "instructingAgent": {
  • "instructedAgent": {
  • "paymentTypeInformation": {
  • "sequenceType": "FRST",
  • "amounts": {
  • "purpose": {
  • "remittanceInformation": {
  • "creditor": {
  • "creditorAccount": {
  • "creditorAgent": {
  • "debtor": {
  • "debtorAccount": {
  • "debtorAgent": {
  • "intermediaryAgents": [
  • "requestedCollectionDate": "2022-05-04",
  • "mandateInformation": {
  • "schema": "DirectDebit",
  • "messageIdentifiers": {
  • "transactionIdentifiers": {
Response samples
  • "detail": "string",
  • "message": "string",
  • "schema": "ErrorDetail"
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