This operation is asynchronous. It is responded to by the inboundDirectDebitResponse operation.
The inbound direct debit operation is called when a direct debit against one of your accounts is received. This
must be followed by a call to the inboundDirectDebitResponse
to indicate whether the debit payment was
actioned or not. Note that the payment is expected to have immediate financial impact if approved; there is no
completion leg.
This operation must be idempotent, i.e. no action should be taken if the operation is received more than once with an identical request body. This allows Electrum to retry the request if the initial request fails. An identical HTTP response is expected to be returned for each retry.
Scheme | Applicable |
ZA_EFT | ✓ |
ZA_RPP | ✗ |
ZA_RTC | ✗ |
traceparent | string (traceparent) ^[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]... A value used to trace an HTTP message within an Electrum Regulated Payments implementation.
This field must be set as per the |
tracestate | string (tracestate) ^[A-Za-z0-9=, _\*/@]{0,1024}$ A value used to provide context to an HTTP message as it is traced within an Electrum Regulated
Payments implementation. This field must be set as per the |
Accepted. RFC9110 - 202
Bad request. RFC9110 - 400
Unauthorized. RFC9110 - 401
Forbidden. RFC9110 - 403
Method not allowed. RFC9110 - 405
Unprocessable content. RFC9110 - 422
Too Many Requests. RFC6585 - 429
Internal server error. RFC9110 - 500
Service unavailable. RFC9110 - 503
{- "paymentScheme": {
- "schema": "ZA_EFT",
- "schemeData": {
- "userReference": "REF 1234"
}, - "instructingAgent": {
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- "memberId": "AmazingBankId",
- "name": "Amazing Bank Inc",
- "branch": {
- "identification": "210514",
- "name": "ABC Plettenberg Bay",
- "address": {
- "addressType": "ADDR",
- "department": "Department of Mysteries",
- "streetName": "Street of Mysteries",
- "buildingNumber": "42",
- "buildingName": "Mysterious Building",
- "floor": "42",
- "postBox": "1024",
- "postCode": "4242",
- "townName": "Mysty Town",
- "townLocationName": "Mysty Location",
- "districtName": "Mysty District",
- "countrySubDivision": "Mysterious Cape",
- "country": "ZA",
- "addressLine": [
- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- "8001"
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- "bicfi": "RY8PEG0L",
- "memberId": "AmazingBankId",
- "name": "Amazing Bank Inc",
- "branch": {
- "identification": "210514",
- "name": "ABC Plettenberg Bay",
- "address": {
- "addressType": "ADDR",
- "department": "Department of Mysteries",
- "streetName": "Street of Mysteries",
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- "buildingName": "Mysterious Building",
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- "country": "ZA",
- "addressLine": [
- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- "8001"
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- "localInstrument": {
- "schema": "CODE",
- "value": "BTR"
}, - "sequenceType": "FRST",
- "amounts": {
- "bankSettlementAmount": {
- "value": 1,
- "currency": "ZAR"
}, - "instructedAmount": {
- "value": 1,
- "currency": "ZAR"
}, - "purpose": {
- "schema": "CODE",
- "value": "BKDF"
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- "unstructured": [
- "some",
- "unstructured",
- "information"
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- {
- "referredDocuments": [
- {
- "type": {
- "value": "CINV",
- "schema": "CODE",
- "issuer": "AmazeBank123456"
}, - "documentIdentifier": "A0123456789"
], - "referredDocumentAmount": {
- "duePayableAmount": {
- "value": 1,
- "currency": "ZAR"
}, - "remittedAmount": {
- "value": 1,
- "currency": "ZAR"
}, - "creditorReference": {
- "type": {
- "value": "RADM",
- "schema": "CODE",
- "issuer": "AnotherAmazeBank1234"
}, - "reference": "ABC123XYZ999"
}, - "additionalRemittanceInformation": [
- "Some",
- "Additional",
- "Information"
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- "16A",
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- "8001"
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- "16A",
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- "Foreshore",
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- "8001"
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- "16A",
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- "Foreshore",
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- "8001"
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- "mobileNumber": "+27-08230000000",
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- "value": "AProprietaryCode123"
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- "16A",
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- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- "8001"
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- {
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- "name": "Amazing Bank Inc",
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- "identification": "210514",
- "name": "ABC Plettenberg Bay",
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- "department": "Department of Mysteries",
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- "buildingName": "Mysterious Building",
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- "addressLine": [
- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- "8001"
], - "requestedCollectionDate": "2022-05-04",
- "mandateInformation": {
- "mandateIdentification": "A mandate ID",
- "dateOfSignature": "2022-05-04",
- "electronicSignature": "A digital signature",
- "firstCollectionDate": "2022-05-04",
- "finalCollectionDate": "2022-06-04",
- "frequency": {
- "schema": "MonthlyFrequency",
- "dayOfMonth": 4
}, - "reason": {
- "schema": "CODE",
- "value": "ABCD"
}, - "trackingDays": 4
}, - "schema": "DirectDebit",
- "messageIdentifiers": {
- "messageIdentification": "8fd51c7124ba4819b9253e296a68e1da",
- "creationDateTime": "2022-05-04T03:02:01Z"
}, - "transactionIdentifiers": {
- "endToEndIdentification": "6249118655591098",
- "transactionIdentification": "RRN000000001",
- "uetr": "f27a34ad-c5ab-4b70-a3f9-946d743eaeaa"
{- "detail": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "schema": "ErrorDetail"