This operation is asynchronous. It communicates the outcome of an outboundAccountVerification
The outbound account verification report operation can be called to deliver the outcome of a previously requested account verification request.
Scheme | Applicable | Function Enabled |
ZA_AVS | ✓ | Verifying account information |
traceparent | string (traceparent) ^[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]... A value used to trace an HTTP message within an Electrum Regulated Payments implementation.
This field must be set as per the |
tracestate | string (tracestate) ^[A-Za-z0-9=, _\*/@]{0,1024}$ A value used to provide context to an HTTP message as it is traced within an Electrum Regulated
Payments implementation. This field must be set as per the |
Accepted. RFC9110 - 202
Bad request. RFC9110 - 400
Unauthorized. RFC9110 - 401
Forbidden. RFC9110 - 403
Method not allowed. RFC9110 - 405
Unprocessable content. RFC9110 - 422
Too Many Requests. RFC6585 - 429
Internal server error. RFC9110 - 500
Service unavailable. RFC9110 - 503
{- "schema": "AccountVerificationResponse",
- "messageIdentifiers": {
- "messageIdentification": "9fd51c1234ba4819bbheyde296a68e1da",
- "creationDateTime": "2022-05-04T03:22:11Z"
}, - "originalMessageIdentifiers": {
- "messageIdentification": "8fd51c7124ba4819b9253e296a68e1da",
- "creationDateTime": "2022-05-04T03:02:01Z"
}, - "transactionIdentifiers": {
- "endToEndIdentification": "6249118655591098",
- "transactionIdentification": "RRN000000001",
- "uetr": "f27a34ad-c5ab-4b70-a3f9-946d743eaeaa"
}, - "creator": {
- "legalName": "Zamazing Bank Inc",
- "identification": {
- "schema": "ORGANISATION",
- "identifiers": [
- {
- "schema": "BIC",
- "BIC": "ZY8PEG0L"
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- "schema": "OTHER",
- "identification": "ZamazingBankClearingID",
- "scheme": {
- "schema": "CODE",
- "value": "CHID"
}, - "firstAgent": {
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- "memberId": "ZamazingBankId",
- "name": "Zamazing Bank Inc",
- "branch": {
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- "name": "XYZ Knysna",
- "address": {
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- "postCode": "4242",
- "townName": "Mysty Town",
- "townLocationName": "Mysty Location",
- "districtName": "Mysty District",
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- "country": "ZA",
- "addressLine": [
- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
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- "8001"
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- "legalName": "Zamazing Bank Inc",
- "identification": {
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- "identifiers": [
- {
- "schema": "BIC",
- "BIC": "ZY8PEG0L"
}, - {
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- "value": "CHID"
}, - "assignee": {
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- "identification": {
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- "identifiers": [
- {
- "schema": "BIC",
- "BIC": "RY8PEG0L"
}, - {
- "schema": "OTHER",
- "identification": "AmazingBankClearingID",
- "scheme": {
- "schema": "CODE",
- "value": "CHID"
}, - "originalVerification": {
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- "party": {
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- "postCode": "4242",
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- "townLocationName": "Mysty Location",
- "districtName": "Mysty District",
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- "country": "ZA",
- "addressLine": [
- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- "8001"
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- "mobileNumber": "+27-8230000000",
- "emailAddress": ""
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- "identification": {
- "schema": "PERSON",
- "identifiers": [
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- "scheme": {
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}, - "account": {
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- "scheme": {
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}, - "issuer": "Amazing Bank",
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}, - "type": {
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- "value": "CACC"
}, - "currency": "ZAR"
}, - "agent": {
- "branch": {
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- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- "8001"
}, - "schemeVerificationData": {
- "schema": "ZA_AVS",
- "checkDebitsAllowed": "true",
- "checkCreditsAllowed": "true",
- "checkOlderThanThreeMonths": "true",
- "initials": "JP",
- "lastName": "du Plessis"
}, - "originalAssignment": {
- "creator": {
- "legalName": "Amazing Bank Inc",
- "identification": {
- "schema": "ORGANISATION",
- "identifiers": [
- {
- "schema": "BIC",
- "BIC": "RY8PEG0L"
}, - {
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- "value": "CHID"
}, - "firstAgent": {
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- "16A",
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- "Foreshore",
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- "8001"
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- {
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- "identifiers": [
- {
- "schema": "BIC",
- "BIC": "ZY8PEG0L"
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}, - "status": {
- "outcome": "APPROVED",
- "reasonInfo": [
- {
- "reason": {
- "schema": "CODE",
- "value": "ACCC"
}, - "report": {
- "originalIdentification": "e21a36adc5ab4b70a3f9952d743eaeaa",
- "outcome": {
- "schema": "FAILED",
- "reasonInfo": {
- "reason": {
- "schema": "CODE",
- "value": "MS03"
}, - "schemeVerificationReportData": {
- "schema": "ZA_AVS",
- "accountFound": "TRUE",
- "accountOpen": "TRUE",
- "accountTypeMatch": "TRUE",
- "privateIdentificationMatch": "TRUE",
- "organisationIdentificationMatch": "NOT_CHECKED",
- "trustIdentificationMatch": "NOT_CHECKED",
- "initialsMatch": "FALSE",
- "nameMatch": "FALSE",
- "debitsAllowed": "FALSE",
- "creditsAllowed": "TRUE",
- "olderThanThreeMonths": "TRUE",
- "emailMatch": "NOT_CHECKED",
- "mobileMatch": "NOT_CHECKED"
{- "detail": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "schema": "ErrorDetail"