This operation is asynchronous. It communicates the outcome of an outboundIdentifierDetermination
The outbound identifier determination operation can be called to determine information related to an identifier, for example to resolve a proxy. This operation is the asynchronous response to that operation.
In the context of an outbound payment, Electrum sends a response to an identifier determination previously received from the partner.
Scheme | Applicable | Function Enabled |
ZA_EFT | ✗ | N/A |
ZA_RPP | ✓ | Proxy Resolution - Validate a proxy and return additional information for use in a subsequent credit transfer |
ZA_RTC | ✗ | N/A |
traceparent | string (traceparent) ^[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}\-[A-Fa-f0-9]... A value used to trace an HTTP message within an Electrum Regulated Payments implementation.
This field must be set as per the |
tracestate | string (tracestate) ^[A-Za-z0-9=, _\*/@]{0,1024}$ A value used to provide context to an HTTP message as it is traced within an Electrum Regulated
Payments implementation. This field must be set as per the |
Accepted. RFC9110 - 202
Bad request. RFC9110 - 400
Unauthorized. RFC9110 - 401
Forbidden. RFC9110 - 403
Method not allowed. RFC9110 - 405
Unprocessable content. RFC9110 - 422
Too Many Requests. RFC6585 - 429
Internal server error. RFC9110 - 500
Service unavailable. RFC9110 - 503
{- "schema": "IdentifierDeterminationResponse",
- "messageIdentifiers": {
- "messageIdentification": "9fd51c1234ba4819bbheyde296a68e1da",
- "creationDateTime": "2022-05-04T03:22:11Z"
}, - "originalMessageIdentifiers": {
- "messageIdentification": "8fd51c7124ba4819b9253e296a68e1da",
- "creationDateTime": "2022-05-04T03:02:01Z"
}, - "report": {
- "originalUetr": "f27a34ad-c5ab-4b70-a3f9-946d743eaeaa",
- "originalVerificationIdentification": "1001",
- "reportInformation": {
- "outcome": "SUCCESSFUL",
- "transactionLimit": {
- "value": 3000,
- "currency": "ZAR"
}, - "accountInformation": {
- "proxy": {
- "schema": "MOBILE",
- "value": "+27-812456789"
}, - "creationDate": "2021-01-01T09:55:45.015708Z"
}, - "accountOwner": {
- "knownAsName": "Shaun",
- "legalName": "Shaun John Smith"
}, - "instructedAgent": {
- "bicfi": "RY8PEG0L",
- "memberId": "AmazingBankId",
- "name": "Amazing Bank Inc",
- "branch": {
- "identification": 210514,
- "name": "ABC Plettenberg Bay",
- "address": {
- "addressType": "ADDR",
- "department": "Department of Mysteries",
- "streetName": "Street of Mysteries",
- "buildingNumber": 42,
- "buildingName": "Mysterious Building",
- "floor": 42,
- "postBox": 1024,
- "postCode": 4242,
- "townName": "Mysty Town",
- "townLocationName": "Mysty Location",
- "districtName": "Mysty District",
- "countrySubDivision": "Mysterious Cape",
- "country": "ZA",
- "addressLine": [
- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- 8001
}, - "instructingAgent": {
- "bicfi": "RY8PEG0L",
- "memberId": "AmazingBankId",
- "name": "Amazing Bank Inc",
- "branch": {
- "identification": 210514,
- "name": "ABC Plettenberg Bay",
- "address": {
- "addressType": "ADDR",
- "department": "Department of Mysteries",
- "streetName": "Street of Mysteries",
- "buildingNumber": 42,
- "buildingName": "Mysterious Building",
- "floor": 42,
- "postBox": 1024,
- "postCode": 4242,
- "townName": "Mysty Town",
- "townLocationName": "Mysty Location",
- "districtName": "Mysty District",
- "countrySubDivision": "Mysterious Cape",
- "country": "ZA",
- "addressLine": [
- "16A",
- "New market street",
- "Foreshore",
- "Cape Town",
- "ZA",
- 8001
}, - "originalRequestor": {
- "bicfi": "RY8PEG0L",
- "memberId": "AmazingBankId",
- "domain": "ADomain",
- "name": "Amazing Bank Inc"
}, - "supplementaryData": {
- "customData1": "My custom data 1",
- "customData2": "My custom data 2"
{- "detail": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "schema": "ErrorDetail"