Electrum Regulated Payments Partner API (10.10.0)

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The Electrum Regulated Payments API is an asynchronous API that allows partners to participate in various nationally regulated payment schemes.

As the Regulated Payments API is asynchronous, partners have a choice of how to integrate with Electrum:

  • Webhooks: Electrum will send events to the partner containing inbound payments to action, or responses to outbound payment requests. Webhooks are defined in the Electrum Regulated Payments Partner API.
  • Partner API: Electrum will call operations exposed by the partner containing inbound payments to action, or responses to outbound payment requests. The operations are defined in this document.

Receiving transactional events via webhooks or API are equivalent, except that it may be more familiar or convenient to implement one style or the other.

This document describes the operations a partner must implement for Electrum to consume in order to complete the integration with the Electrum Regulated Payments API.


Operations that participate in transaction processing, which may or may not have financial impact.

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