Step 3: Send Inbound Credit Transfer Authorisation Response


In this step you communicate the outcome of Step 2 to Electrum as an asynchronous response. This means you are initiating a new call to the Electrum API to deliver the authorisation result.

Both positive and negative outcomes of the authorisation are transmitted using the same response format. If the outcome is positive and you are able to successfully receive the inbound payment, then this step will be followed by a completion step to confirm that you may credit the recipient's account. If the outcome is negative and you are unable to receive the payment, then Electrum will relay this to the payment scheme and no further action is required by you.

Implementing the API

Send Outcome

Perform an inboundCreditTransferAuthorisationResponse operation to Electrum's /transactions/inbound/credit-transfer-authorisation-response endpoint.

The full message schema can be found in the API reference documentation. Code and payload samples are shown below.

The outcome of the authorisation is contained in the status field of the payload. If the outcome is negative and the payment cannot be completed, then further information must be provided in the statusReason field.
  • "schema": "PaymentStatusReport",
  • "messageIdentifiers": {
  • "originalMessageIdentifiers": {
  • "paymentScheme": {
  • "transactionIdentifiers": {
  • "status": {
  • "instructingAgent": {
  • "instructedAgent": {
  • "originalTransactionData": {

Receive Acknowledgement

Electrum will respond with an HTTP 202 status if the request can be processed successfully, or an error response if a problem occurs.
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