Step 0: PayShap Inbound Proxy Resolution


This step only applies to the PayShap scheme, and where the receiving participant is not making use of the Electrum account mirror service.


If you are not using Electrum's account mirror service, then you will be required to perform the necessary proxy functions for all inbound PayShap credit transfer requests.

When Electrum receives a request from the payment scheme to credit one of your customer's account, Electrum will make two requests to your proxy management system:

  1. A request for the account holder name linked to the proxy so that this can be returned to the sender for verification.
  2. A request for the account number linked to the proxy so that this can be used to enrich the credit transfer request before delivery to your core banking system.

These requests are made via the same pair of asynchronous API operations. The implementation of the operations is described below.

Receive Inbound Identifier Request

Receive Request

Electrum sends an inboundIdentifierDetermination request to your API endpoint. The request will conform to the following schema:
Request Body schema: application/json
object (MessageIdentifiers)

Holds a point-to-point unique message identification string as well as a message's creation date time.

object (SupplementaryData)

A list of key-value pairs to support adding any supplementary/additional data to an Electrum Regulated Payments API message.

object (DeterminationRequest)
Value: "IdentifierDeterminationRequest"
  • "messageIdentifiers": {
  • "schema": "IdentifierDeterminationRequest",
  • "request": {
  • "supplementaryData": {

Respond With Success

If you receive the request successfully and are able to submit it for asynchronous processing, then respond with an HTTP 202 status.

Respond With An Error

If you experience an error while handling the request and are unable to submit it for asynchronous processing, then respond with an appropriate error response.

Send Identifier Information Report

Send Outcome

Once you have matched the proxy with the account record on your system, then return the information to Electrum using the inboundIdentifierDeterminationReport operation.
  • "schema": "IdentifierDeterminationResponse",
  • "messageIdentifiers": {
  • "originalMessageIdentifiers": {
  • "report": {
  • "supplementaryData": {

Receive Acknowledgement

Electrum will respond with an HTTP 202 status if the request can be processed successfully, or an error response if a problem occurs.
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