Step 2: Receive Outbound Credit Transfer Response


Once the payment has been processed by the scheme, Electrum communicates the outcome to you asynchronously in a credit transfer response. This message indicates whether the authorisation was successful or not and will determine whether you finalise the transaction on your system, or return funds that have been debited from the customer's account.

Financial Impact

The credit transfer response has a financial impact. Be sure to consider these important factors when handling this step:

  • Electrum treats the credit transfer response as a must-deliver message and will repeatedly send it until you acknowledge receipt.
  • Once Electrum has received your acknowledgement, then the transaction is considered complete.
  • If the outcome indicates a successful authorisation, then you may finalise the transaction.
  • If the outcome indicates a failed authorisation, then you should credit funds back to the sender's account.
  • Refer to Step 3 for more details on how to process the possible outcomes.

Implementing the API

Receive Outcome

Electrum sends an outboundCreditTransferResponse message to your /transactions/outbound/credit-transfer-response endpoint. The request will conform to the following schema:
Request Body schema: application/json
object (MessageIdentifiers)

Holds a point-to-point unique message identification string as well as a message's creation date time.

object (SupplementaryData)

A list of key-value pairs to support adding any supplementary/additional data to an Electrum Regulated Payments API message.

object (MessageIdentifiers)

Holds a point-to-point unique message identification string as well as a message's creation date time.

object (TransactionIdentifiers)

Holds a series of identifiers to identify the transaction or an individual message that is part of a transaction.

object (InstitutionIdentification)
object (InstitutionIdentification)
object (OriginalTransactionData)

Contains key elements related to the original transaction that is being referred to.

object (PaymentStatusReportPaymentScheme)

Designates which scheme a payment status report is associated with and describes scheme-specific information for the payment status report.

Value: "PaymentStatusReport"
object (Status)
  • "schema": "PaymentStatusReport",
  • "messageIdentifiers": {
  • "originalMessageIdentifiers": {
  • "paymentScheme": {
  • "transactionIdentifiers": {
  • "status": {
  • "instructingAgent": {
  • "instructedAgent": {
  • "originalTransactionData": {

Respond With Success

If you receive the message successfully and are able to process it, then respond with an HTTP 202 status. Process the message as per Step 3.

Respond With An Error

If you experience an error while handling the request and are unable to process it, then respond with an appropriate error response.

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